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Garage Door Install & Repair Services in Central Florida

At L & E Garage Doors, we are dedicated to providing the residents of Central Florida with superior garage door solutions for their unique needs. Our team of experts is here to guide you through every step of the process – from selecting the perfect garage door for your home to providing comprehensive installation and repair services. We pride ourselves on our commitment to exceptional quality, customer satisfaction, and affordability.

Exceptional Services

Our custom garage door designs improve your home’s functionality and enhance its aesthetics. We use high-quality materials and innovative technology to bring your vision to life and guarantee long-lasting durability. Our service offerings include:

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Call 24/7

Reach out to us any time of the day, any day of the week, to schedule your repair or installation appointment.

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Prompt Response Times

We understand the importance of prompt service. That's why we're committed to providing a swift response when you need us the most.

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Same-Day Service

We offer same-day service, ensuring that your garage door needs are met as quickly as possible.

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Expert Technicians

Our professionally trained technicians specialize in fixing broken springs, and all work comes with a 30-day labor warranty, giving you additional peace of mind.

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Outstanding Warranty

Your satisfaction is our top priority, which is why our industry-leading warranty sets the standard in garage door services.

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Flexible Schedule

We operate six days a week and offer emergency services on Sundays.

Contractor Installing Garage Door.

Why Choose L & E Garage Doors?

Since our inception in 2010, our family-owned and operated business has been dedicated to serving Central Florida with the best garage door solutions. Our commitment to superior craftsmanship, efficient service, and unmatched customer satisfaction is what sets us apart.

Contact Us Today

Not sure where to start? Our team at L & E Garage Doors is ready to help with all your garage door needs. Don’t wait any longer – call us today at 407-535-9866 to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward improving your home’s functionality, safety, and aesthetics with our premier garage door installation and repair services.

Invest in Better Garage Doors Today