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Garage Door Torsion Spring Repair

Garage door torsion springs play a crucial role in the opening and closing of your garage door. Considering the heavy weight of most garage doors, a broken torsion spring can make it almost impossible for you to lift the door and access your garage. Due to the risks involved, we highly recommend reaching out to a professional service like ours for your garage door torsion spring repair needs in Central Florida. Our team is committed to serving the residents of Central Florida, being a trusted source for all garage door torsion spring repairs. We foster a blend of quality, safety, and affordability in all our services, ensuring that your garage doors return to their optimal state of function with minimal risk and inconvenience.

large car garage with sectional doors

How a Torsion Spring Works

Garage door torsion springs store mechanical energy and work with cables and other moving parts to open and close your garage door. They are wound tightly under tremendous tension, allowing them to counterbalance the full weight of the door. When the garage door opens or closes, the torsion springs absorb and release energy to assist in the process.

maintenance of steel roller garage door, contra light indoor shot

Dangers of DIY Torsion Spring Repair

While it might be tempting to try and fix your torsion spring yourself, it can be extremely dangerous. Over 30,000 people are injured in garage door-related accidents every year. The torsion springs are under immense tension and, if not handled properly, can lead to serious injury or even death. It is always safer and more efficient to seek out professional help for your garage door torsion spring repairs. We strongly advise against attempting torsion spring repairs without professional assistance. Contact our team to perform this service for your safety and the proper functioning of your garage door.

Our Repair Services

At L & E Garage Doors, we prioritize your safety and the efficiency of your garage door. Our team is comprised of highly trained and experienced professionals who are well-versed in dealing with garage door torsion springs. Upon receiving your call, we promptly dispatch our team to your location. They start by conducting a comprehensive assessment of your garage system to determine the extent of the problem and devise the best repair strategy. Following the diagnosis, we provide a detailed quote that includes the costs for parts and labor. You can rest assured that our pricing is competitive and transparent, with no hidden charges.

Our team is equipped with the right tools and parts to conduct the repair on the spot in most instances. They meticulously unwind the old springs, detach the broken parts, and install the new torsion springs while adhering to stringent safety measures. Once the new springs are in place, we conduct a thorough inspection and testing to ensure your garage door operates smoothly and efficiently.

Call Us Today

If you live in Central Florida and are looking for professional help with your garage door torsion spring needs, reach out to our experienced team at L & E Garage Doors. We offer 24/7 emergency services and can provide quick solutions to any of your garage door troubles. Contact us today for a free estimate!

Invest in Better Garage Doors Today